The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is pleased to announce the newest members to serve on its Board of Directors, all of whom were unanimously elected during the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Board of Directors Meetings. The NIAF Board of Directors' purpose is to bring together many of the nation's leading Italian Americans to guide the Fou...

October 29 2022 NIAF Gala in Washington, DC

The Italian elections also renewed the delegation that will represent the Italian community living in the United States in the next legislature. For the Italian Senate of the Republic, the winner is Francesca La Marca, a former deputy in the previous two legislatures, candidate for the Partito Democratico. For the Italian House of Deputies the winn...

Dear friends, even in August, ciao from a Rome full of American tourists and empty of us Romans!   In early August a dear friend traveling to Liguria sent me a photo, taken by him. While driving he had seen a sign that had attracted his curiosity, and he knew well that it would interest me as well. The photo is the one you see here: Cogoleto, the s...

Ciao from Rome! Autumn is here, and things are getting better in Italy. We’re not out of the woods yet, but things are improving, and we’re confident the worse is behind us. One of the things that had been interrupted with the pandemic was participating in live, in-person events. Finally, this activity has begun again, and so I was happy to restart...

“Anche quest’anno in America, lunedì 11 ottobre, si celebrerà il Columbus Day e si terranno manifestazioni in molte città degli Stati Uniti di cui la più rilevante e’ la storica parata di New York. Si tratta di una giornata di festa orgogliosi dei nostri valori e della nostra tradizione culturale che vuole essere in dialogo con le altre culture pre...

Racconta di avere in rubrica sedicimila numeri di telefono d'italiani residenti all'estero. Si è ripromessa di chiamarne almeno venti al giorno, tranne il fine settimana. Perché il sabato e la domenica alza il tiro, telefonando a trenta di quei numeri. Al giorno, s'intende. L'onorevole Fucsia Nissoli ha fatto della tutela degli italiani, soprattutt...

“Il Governo indica le modalità di funzionamento del Green Pass per i vaccinati, ma  gli italiani all’estero che hanno fatto il vaccino nel Paese di residenza come potranno vedere riconosciuta la validità del loro vaccino? Per avere indicazioni concrete ho depositato una interrogazione al Ministro degli Esteri Di Maio in cui ho chiesto di “fornire i...

Ciao from Rome, welcome to another wonderful issue of our magazine. Things are getting better in Italy, as we tell you twice a week in our video and audio podcast We the ItaliaNews, which we encourage you to watch or listen to all the time. This past June 2, Italy celebrated 75 years of our Republic. At that time Italy chose the Republic and decide...